Instagram automation

So I've been looking into ways to automate tedious Instagram strategy called "Follow/Unfollow". The big idea is that macros opens up the Recommended for following list and follows these accounts in hope they kindly follow you back. After some time a second macros goes along and ruthlessly unfollows all of them. Reality sucks :(

To my genuine surprise the simple macros method that I made works perfectly. Turns out Instagram doesn't notify negative actions, such as when someone unfollows you. And people don't really care all that much. They subscribe and forget. Nice ;)

Here's what I created:
1) A macros made with Mouse Recorder ( A simple piece of software that mimics mouse and keyboard actions. Which is all I needed. All it does is press "Follow" and scroll down to the next follow button.
2) Second macros for unfollowing. Same concept. Navigate the button, click it, boom! Oh, but there's a catch. Web Instagram doesn't allow you to unfollow more than a limited amount at a time, but I found a way. Inception-like I had to go deeper and get creative. I figured out the app on Android doesn't have that limit. I guess the developers did not except people like me to hack their system with such ferocity. So I installed an Android emulator (Droid4X) and ran the macros as if nothing really happened.

And there you have it. Simple & Elegant :)


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