Dataquest review

There's this awesome website which proudly states that it will make you a Data Scientist. Honestly, it's the best data science service that I could find (up to this moment).

  1. The interface is comfortable to work with.
  2. It gives all the theory that you will need for practice.
  3. You get solutions for the given tasks.
  4. There are hints if you are stuck.
  5. You have a helpful community (which is a huge plus btw). You are not left alone.
  1. You code is cut from task to task which is annoying if you want to save all of your code (this was fixed, now you can download code from your account menu).
  2. There's just not enough coding practice, in my opinion. But maybe it was intentional.   
So overall, the free content is definitely worth your time. But when it comes to paid content, I'm not so sure, because they mainly just give you more theory and not enough practice. And the guided project solutions are easily found on Github anyway ( My main critique is that you pay for nothing substantial really. It would be nice if there was something actually exclusive, some take-away book/materials/content. If you have 50$ to spare than you can give it a try once, but your expectations should be low. I personally won't be paying them no more.



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