SQL journey. The beginning.

Woof hello.

SQL is good. It's required in most IT jobs, even those that are not really related to data analysis.
SQL is essential if your job has something to do with numerical data and analysis.

Rest easy my fellow doge. SQL is pretty simple to get into. Let's go, pal!

 1) sqlbolt is the best beginner's starting ground. Learning by doing, Simple. No filler. Easy to understand and requires no prior knowledge of anything really.

2) https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-sql The classic of online coding schools. Time has proven this source to be one of the best. Absolutely worth the premium account purchase.

3) https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_quiz.asp After having learned the basics of SQL this quiz will help you practise for your job interviews. Help you get some confidence and whatnot.

So yeah, this is just enough to get started. As I have stated, basic SQL is simple. Go get them, tiger. Woof.


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