Be the hacker

In order to automate like a doge one has to be a hacker. Feel like a hacker. Act like a hacker.

Here is something to get you inspired:


1) Deus Ex. The ultimate sci-fi hacker handbook. 'Nuff said.

2) System Shock 2. The game is quite frankly outdated by all means. A proper remaster would be great. Nevertheless, a unique title and is worth a playthrough. Bioshock games just don't have the same techie vibe to them. So stick with the classics. 

3) Watch Dogs 2 is awesome. It has style, solid gameplay. Sure it has some downsides. But anyhow this game really puts you in a mood to start coding something and feel real good about it.


1) Mr. Robot. A super intellectual work of art. Truly a modern classic. This series makes being a programmer breathtaking.


1) Blade Runner (1982). While not exactly a film about coding, it is a must see for anyone really. Especially for geeks.

2) The Matrix (1999). It's the Matrix. Go and watch.


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